So today we succeeded in getting a traffic ticket, not having the right papers for the border, getting the right papers for the border, waiting for two hours at cutsoms because the network was down, stopped by seven police men on the way after another four hours(a common happening, uncommon number), and finally getting to the guest house to find that Jimmy and Sylvia have already left, leaving it feeling a bit less friendly and like home than it was. The trip today was a bit not-so-fun, and long, but it was okay nonetheless. So we're in Ghana now(who knew we'd even get here) and tomorrow we go to a bead factory with the homeschool group we're meeting(new people... scary) and then Friday is the beach and we go see a movie. Yay! We also got to see the Stolls for a while, we left on Monday and stayed Tuesday because we prefer to remain ignorant on what the border is like on May Day. So we left today and finally got here a few minutes ago.
I've been doing well on books... A new story just popped in my mind today, but I don't know if anything will come of it. And I always tell the Stolls stories when we sleep over, so that gave my mind a workout. Elena and I told the other girls a story once, about a boy who was stranded on an island and found a girl there and barely knew who she was, but he did know her. Then there was some stuff about monkeys and underwear(all good stories have underwear) and a mermaid who was trying to kill them because they're really a prince and princess who were stranded, and then she'll get the crown, but the the monkeys saved them. It was a good story(and if you think this is a glimpse into my novels, no, it was mostly Elena's making, I just dipped in a little).
Anyway, that's all that's happened today. Hopefully our trip back to Togo at the end of this week will be better!
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