I really am a very indesicive person. I can't think of title names, now I'm not satisfied with the name of my blog, so I'm changing it. I can't figure out the answer very quickly when some one asks me what one of my favorites is, unless it's a very obvious thing, like food (cupcakes). So that's why the new name of my blog is "A Very Indescisive Person's Blog." It fits.
In a few days, we're leaving to visit Tamale in Ghana. There, we'll meet with some people who want to start a homeschool group. It's where a lot of missionaries get together three times a year or so for two weeks and do school together. It's not just school though. We might do school plays or stuff like that. I'm really excited because all my friends moved away. I'll get to have lots more friends and I already met one of the girls there via email. It'll be a good opportunity, not to mention fun! Plus, one of the ladies asked us to bring cookies, and I get to make one of my favorite recipes! Cookies make school fun even. I think this will be one of the most fun school opportunities yet!
I'll try to tell you what happened so far this year. In January, my dad's parents came to visit. It was really fun and they were here for my birthday, so it was cool to have them there for that. In February, we went on our last team Safari. It was really fun and we went camping, but still got to take turns in the Miller's one shower. That meant about five girls rotating in and out with a small amount of hot water. Fun. No, really, it was fun! In March, my daddy had to leave unexpectedly for America for two weeks due to some family problems you all probably heard about. I was sad, but our former teammates Mr Bryan and Ike were here to visit, so that cheered me up. They got a chicken from one of the villages and kept it here for a while. Buster had lots of fun. In April, my mom's mom came to visit with her friend. We went to the WAMR 'conference' at teh beach too. We really go more for the fact of beach and good food, but if you're from one of our churches, don't tell anyone that. In May some interns came to build bread ovens for the village of Lasa Thou. They were very fun and we played Mafia a lot. One of my new favorite games. In June, nothing really went on at all. We had a nice quiet month, and in August, my uncle Jim and his friend are coming to visit! Yay! It'll be nice to see them, especially because in just a few more months, we'll see them again on furlough. We're leaving in September and so far, our furlough looks like this.
We fly into Dallas and go to Denton for a while. We'll go to Indiana for Thanksgiving, St Louis for Christmas, and back to Indiana for new years or just an afterwards visit. We're trying to raise the money to go skiing during this time, so I really am praying about that! It would be so fun! I'm not sure when everything else fits in, but we're also going to Memphis, North Carolina, D.C., and a whole bunch other places. It'll be hard to fit everything in, but we'll manage, maybe.
I'm pretty excited for furlough, but I'm also excited for the next two events happening here in Africa. I'll just have to look forward to those.
I was going to say something else... Oh, yes! I'm doing well on my books. I got past my first writer's block, so now I'm breezing through it. Abby and I are almost done with the one we're writing together, and then we have to get it copywrited, and maybe even published! As for the one I'm writing by myself, I'm going slowly, but surely. I'm trying to make it interesting, but not to complicated either! I tell you, being an author sure isn't a fallback!
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