Saturday, February 26, 2011

Two months, and no title still.

Sorry I've been a bad blogger, but I'm writing books, reading books, trying to get my friend to read them, emailing authors, trying to get a decent education, and lots of other stuff as well. Lately, not much has been going on.

Since my last post, not much has been going on. I had my brithday, and we went on safari. We didn't see too terribly much. We saw a lion sitting in the middle of the road, male and growing mane. He didn't move until we came up in the car.

In March, my friend Ike is going to visit( and his dad), and we're going on a trip to Lome.
In April, we have WAMR and Grandmommy visiting.
In May, Lifebread Interns.
In june and July, Harding interns.
In August, we'll be rapping up work.
In September, we'll be going to England, then the US!

I read The Diary of Anne Frank, and that was really good.

Ok, I'm watching Star Wars Episode 1, so I have to go. Bye!

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